Sunday 31 May 2009

an achievement.....

Well last night I got my may tisket tasket block done...Woohoo!
Is my mojo back?

I think I got a bit inspired by my quilts that I washed up the other day.

Here is one that I made for my eldest son a few years ago. He barracks for Collingwood (a football team) and their mascot is the magpies.

and their colours are black and white-obviously.
On the solid black panels I quilted the team name. I was happy with how it turned out. My only disappointment was that when I backed it with polar fleece I didn't put in a thin layer of batting. It would have given it a bit of a 'cushioning' look to the quilting. something I did more recently with a quilt that I backed in polar fleece. It is still warm though and he uses it all the time.

I also visited Jemima's to buy my fat quarter for the paper bag swap. I love the fabric I bought and it is a little bit different for me but it is really lovely.
I can't wait for it to come back and I am looking forward to receiving my bag of things. I think it will be quite a challenge.
That package is ready to send off this week.
We are getting a new back fence so Coffee and Monty have to be locked in the run while the fence is down. I took them for a swim and huge run at the local reservoir. It is such a great spot and not many people go there so we pretty well have it all to ourselves. It was quite green too, something we have been missing around here.
Happy sunday .

Friday 29 May 2009

been awhile

Well another week draws to an end-only four weeks till school holidays YIPPEE!!

What do you do when you have lost your crafting mojo? I have dragged out my three blocks of the month to start on the latest block and I just put them all away again without doing anything. Like shuffling the deckchairs on the Titanic!
The only thing I have kept up to date with and enthused about is the 'friends' swap. I only have d & n to go then it is off to Narelle.
these are the gift tage I made, I would love to show the items but can't until they are received!
I have already been thinking about the Christmas swap Khris is wanting to do.
I have so many things to get finished just need a few more hours or days in the week.
Yesterday I came home from work aching and feeling fluey (how do you spell that?). I have taken it easy today except for putting out washing as it has been a lovely sunny day with a slight breeze. I even washed three quilts that have been annoying me as they were a bit grotty. I suppose if I put them away they wouldn't get dirty but I wouldn't get to see them either.
Here are some delights I got in the past two weeks
Some felt squares from Hatched and Patched- I did have ideas for them but now they will have to wait. I just love the colours.

A new yo yo maker- the next size to the one I have. I love making them.
and here is photo of the fabric Els sent me from the Netherlands. She also cruelly sent a parcel that I am not to open till June 7. Doesn't she know I am terrible at keeping things secret or unable leave a treasure unopened. So far I haven't touched it-not even to squeeze it. Only a week to go!

cheers for now

Sunday 17 May 2009

curly fun packed day

It seems no matter how hard I try I can't get much crafting done! I just seem to be shuffling the Penski file!
Today was our Curly club fun day at Kepala pet resort in Victoria.
We had a great turn out with 15 dogs in all.
Here is Monty having a go at the agility equipment he does quite good at it.
Here he is waiting to go in for a retrieve. Can you tell the determination on his face!
This is Coffee who does a submarine impersonation when he dives into water. He is bobbing up after diving in.
What a super curly filled day! I suppose it is the next best thing to doing crafty things.

Friday 15 May 2009

More blue....

Not much crafting happening here have hit a bit of a slump and lack of spare time hasn't helped either. Must crack the whip this weekend.

Yesterday I received a lovely parcel from Els in the Netherlands which contained blue and white dutch fabrics. They are just beautiful and I can't wait to use them but I want to be sure of how I use them so as not to waste them. I sent Els some aboriginal fabrics that she has put aside for a quilt.
I am unable to post a pic as someone disconnected the 'plug' for the camera and being a bit challenged technically and not having a teenager to help me at the moment I can't do it!
Sunday is our big curly club fun day and I am hoping for good weather. It isn't too promising but good old Melbourne weather usually changes quickly anyway so it is a 50/50 chance of good weather.
We are going to a 'dog resort' which is a posh way of describing the place where we are going. They also run a boarding kennel but have an outdoor pool, agility equipment and off lead areas so it will be a safe fun environment for the curlies!
Looking forward to catching up with 'curly friends' of the two and four legged variety.
Have a lovely weekend!

Sunday 10 May 2009

happy Mother's day

Mother's day is here again and mum came up for a roast lunch. I set the table with the dinner set she made for our wedding. I used to use it a lot when we were first married but I managed to break and chip some pieces so I stopped using it but it got to come out today. It is a lovely hand painted dinner set. When she sees the roses now she cringes, as she painted it when she was a newbie to china painting. I love them anyway.

My first orchid spikes have bloomed and I am always excited as I love orchids. I cut them and brought them in to put on the table.

This afternoon we are off to visit mother in law. Not much stitching has happened this weekend and the little that did I can't show as it is for the 'friends swap'.
The boys brought me Keith Urban's new cd for Mother's day. I will put it in the car to listen to as no other person in the house appreciates his music as much as I do.
Hope you have had a lovely day.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

convict bonnet blessed

Here are the pics of my convict bonnet.
Saturday afternoon my neighbour attended the bonnet blessing ceremony which was held at a church at Port Melbourne. She said it was a really moving ceremony that gave her even more information about the circumstances under which her ancestor was sent. Her ancestor was Irish and at the time there were many Irish that had fled to England because of the potato famine in Ireland. The English didn't want them there especially them being catholic. Most of the Irish convicts that were transported were charged with stealing items of clothing which was considered more serious than stealing food. This earnt them their ticket to Van Diemen's Land.
Apparently they need many more bonnets to be made so that each female convict will be represented by a bonnet. If anyone is interested the links below shows the ceremony and some additional information about the artist, Christina Henri that is organising this exhibition.
cheers for now

Sunday 3 May 2009


Well I have had a flashback to a much neglected project thanks to an entry on this blog page
In May 2007 I started the 365 day journal quilt initiated by Leanne Beasley ( and I diligently recorded and transcribed to fabric my journal entries for one whole year. I added stitcheries and appliqued bits and pieces and even added small patchwork blocks to separate the months. Well a lot happened in that year sad and happy things and I loved doing it. When it was over there was a little sadness that it was over then the next question "what do I do with it".
I sewed the entries together and left it at that but I think now is the time to dust it off and finish it completely!

But how? I don't know if any of the others finished theirs, I know the yahoo group has been deleted. So it's time to do this project justice and complete it...

But then the next question--where do I put it? The top alone measures approx 240 x 165 cm...

What a dilemma, once I solve this one world peace should be a breeze?

On a different note, the Friends swap has begun and my swap partner is Narelle from Queensland. Her lovely blog is
I have started working on the 'f' component of the swap and thinking ahead to the next part.

Friday 1 May 2009

swap arrived

Yesterday my redwork cushion swap arrived and I couldn't wait to get to the post office to pick it up!

Pat has made the most beautiful cushion for me and she also made some coasters in red fabric as well, I also got a lovely tape measure keyring. Nifty idea.

The handiwork on the cushion was even complimented by the mere males in this household! I usually just get 'yeah whatever'.

The cushion now has pride of place on the couch and the colours blend in well with my 'journey of a quilter' quilt that is over the back of the couch.

I hope the boys realise it is a look only cushion!

Cheers for now - I need to get moving and finish off the colonial bonnet for my neighbour it is nearly finished so won't take too much time. Definitely need to make a to do list for today before I forget all my things to do.

Finally a pic of miss Maisie-princess extraordinare in her usually position.
How can cats manage to be perpetually resting-until they hear the cat food that is.

have a good day

May is for quilting

 The recent drop in temperatures have inspired me to do some hand quilting. The fact that I can't focus on what project to work on has n...